Young Adults & Adults
At SDBC, we encourage everyone to become a part of a small group. We are a large church and we don't want anyone to get "lost in the crowd" because each and every person is important to us.
Connect Groups are led by various members of our congregation. You don't have to be a Bible scholar to participate, the studies are made for everyday people. Our small groups cater to many different types of people.
In our connect groups we endeavour to:
Pray together in a meaningful way for one another, the church, unreached people groups, as well as our missionaries.
Study the Bible together for life change.
Provide pastoral care for one another in practical ways.
Fellowship together and enjoy each others’ company.
Reach out and invite new people to join.
Contact admin@sdbc.org.au
LACE Women's Ministry
LACE is a women's ministry of Sunnybank District Baptist Church. Our vision is to encourage women to be Ladies After Christ's Example.
We aim to help women of all ages know God better primarily through learning, from the Bible, what Jesus Christ has done for us on the cross, and how we, as women, are to respond and live for Him.
Large Group Events: Biannual - Term 1 and Term 4, where we hear Biblical teaching from a guest speaker and enjoy a meal together, eg. Garden Tea & Fundraiser Dinner
Social Activity Days: Quarterly - once a term, where we share a devotion and engage in various activities together
Worship Evenings: 3 per year, where we share in a time of worship, hear testimony and get to know one another 'on the couch'
Movie Night: Annual - Term 4
Who Women of all ages (girls under the age of 16 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian)
When & Where Various - annual date card available (please see Church Bulletin, SDBC LACE Facebook page or sign up to our email list for details)
Contact lace@sdbc.org.au
The Men's Ministry team at SDBC recognises that men face unique and sometimes large challenges in the 21st century.
Our aim is to create opportunities for men to get together to learn more about God’s design for manhood; to encourage, motivate and help each other to become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
We have a monthly program that varies from breakfasts, dinners or days out - usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
Contact mensministry@sdbc.org.au
Mums’ Meet Up is a programme for mothers with kids of all ages while also having a programme for children aged between 18 months - 5 years.
At Mums’ Meet Up, mothers have the opportunity to talk about God and bond over discussions with other mothers.
In this community, mums will also have the time to develop friendships, share concerns and explore areas of creativity.
Just as Mums Meet Up aims to meet the needs of mothers, Mini Me aims to meet the needs of their children aged between 18 months - 5 years.
In the Mini Me programme (which runs concurrently in a separate room), the children hear Bible stories, sing, play, and often making a craft.
Who Mothers with children of all ages and program for children aged 18 months - 5 years
When We meet fortnightly on Fridays during the school term from 9:30am to 11am
Where Auditorium
Contact admin@sdbc.org.au
We aim to help connect young adults with each other, with the church, and with Jesus.
Who Young adults (aged 18 – 30)
When Monthly Saturday Table Talk Nights 7pm
Contact admin@sdbc.org.au