Baptism & Child Dedication
Getting baptised is the perfect next step if you have made the decision to follow Jesus.
Being baptised is a public declaration of your personal decision to make Jesus Lord and Saviour of your life.
If you are considering this step, we hold baptism classes to reflect more on the meaning and significance of baptism.
Following these sessions, your baptism will be scheduled for one of our regular services.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17
Child Dedication
We join with parents, along with their extended family and friends, to dedicate children to the Lord.
We believe that child dedication is a powerful moment in every child’s life because they are so precious to God. In the act of dedication, our church family, together with you, come together to seek God’s blessing upon your child. We pray for your child and declare that the power of the meaning of the name you have chosen for them will be seen in their life.
Child dedication is a time of celebration and rejoicing for the whole family, and a spiritual investment for the future.
Our pastoral team will contact you once your enquiry has been received.
So now I give him to the Lord, for his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.
1 Samuel 1:28