The Boys’ Brigade is an international uniformed organisation for boys aged 5 to 18 years.
Boys’ Brigade is active in many countries around the world, and youth from many different churches participate. Boys’ Brigade is a non-denominational Christian organisation, and all companies are part of a local church.
Our motto is based on Hebrews 6:19 – "Sure and Steadfast".
The 16th Brisbane Boys’ Brigade
Who Boys aged 5 – 18 years
When 7pm every Monday
Where Activity Centre
First 6 weeks – no cost or uniform
Cost $150 per year or $40 per term plus uniform cost
Contact boysbrigade@sdbc.org.au
The Girls' Brigade is part of an international Christian youth organisation which supports the family, serves in the community and meets the needs of girls.
The well-planned program covers a wide range of activities which will help girls grow in the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of life.
The weekly program can include craft, devotions, games, visiting speakers, excursions, videos and much more.
Our motto is “Seek, Serve and Follow Christ.”
The 58th Brisbane Girls' Brigade
Who Girls from ages 5 to 20
When 7pm – 8:30pm every Monday during the school term
Where Auditorium
First 6 weeks – no cost or uniform
Cost $180 per year or $50 per term plus uniform cost
Contact qldsunnybank@girlsbrigade.org.au
Sunnybank District Baptist Church runs Kids' Club annually for families in our local community. We have approximately 200 children attending each year and are often booked out prior to the event.
Our main emphases are on having fun, providing a safe place for kids to play, building bridges between SDBC and the local community, and teaching biblical truths to children.
Who Primary School age children (Prep - Year 6)
When Dates to be announced for 2024
Where Sunnybank District Baptist Church
Cost $55 for one child, $110 for two or more siblings
Program Details
Each day is divided into 4 parts:
Morning Program (Songs, daily Bible story, Memory Verse and Drama)
Rotational Activities (craft, gym and games)
Morning Tea (provided)
"Trekka Time" (year level group time to reinforce the Memory Verses and Bible stories through games and activities)
Contact kidsclub@sdbc.org.au
Kids Church is a fun and engaging program where our kids learn about God and the Bible.
We sing songs, hear Bible stories and learn how they are relevant in our everyday life.
Kids Church is held at 8:30am and 10:30am in Hope House (beside the Church) while 'Big Church' is happening in the Auditorium.
We do many varied activities during our time, including singing, videos, stories, games, group discussions, craft, memory verses and celebrations.
Who Children aged 3 years old and above, and are toilet trained
Contact admin@sdbc.org.au
We seek to provide a safe and stimulating environment for under-school-aged children, to enhance their development under the guidance of their parents.
The program reflects Christian values and beliefs in age-appropriate and engaging ways for young children.
We also enjoy providing a supportive and friendly place for parents.
Playgroup sessions are 1hr 45min long. The flexible program includes free play time, morning tea, craft time, singing and storytime.
Who Parents and their under school age children
When Tuesday 9:30am – 11:15am during the school term
Where Activity Centre
Cost First two weeks and Children under 12 months - free
Children $1.00 - $2.00 | Maximum charge per family - $4.00
Please bring a snack for morning tea (nut-free) and a drink bottle.
Contact playgroup@sdbc.org.au